During this half-day (3-hour) retreat, we will experience mindfulness and self-compassion practices in relationship with nature around us and within us. Slowing down, resting, and letting go of any striving is our invitation, as we practice nature-themed sitting meditation. We will practice with a body scan, walking meditation, and a brief sense and savor practice ~ off-screen in your garden or next to a window in a more spacious and relaxed atmosphere. We will tap into the power of being in community and, in periods, connect with each other in safe mindful dialog spaces to explore our common humanity and how nature and deep listening can support us on our path towards more connection and inner peace.

Deepening our Relations
With Mirjam Luthe
Live Online: Via Zoom
At this very moment, the Earth is above you, below you, around you, and even inside of you. Everything outside and inside comes from the Earth. We are the Earth – and we are always carrying her within us. We are a living, breathing manifestation of this beautiful and generous planet. We practice transforming our relationship with the Earth, in order to truly feel the energy to care for what and whom we love. This way of being can bring us great joy and nourishment. And… we can do it together! All are welcome.
Registration Information:
Sliding scale: Starting at $35
We honor the Buddhist principle of dana, or mutual generosity. Our teachers generously offer their teachings to our community. In a mutual invitation to practice generosity, our community is invited to give dana to support Awake in the Wild and our teachers. Awake in the Wild’s Live Online – Day of Practice allows you to drop in deeper, develop your meditation skills, and reset your intentions through sustained mindfulness practices. Our half-day retreats include longer periods of walking and sitting meditation, interspersed with teachings and instructions as well as an interactive Q&A session with our teacher… and more. This program will be recorded. ~ Replay access will be available to all registrants within 72 hours of the end of the live session. (Participants who cannot make the live session are still welcome to signup and practice via the recorded video on their own schedule.)