Kimberly Sogge
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
About Me
I am a Norwegian-Canadian cis-gendered woman (pronouns she/her), a dedicated follower of eco-dharma, and a lifelong nature lover born to an immigrant farming family on Treaty 6 territories in Saskatchewan, Canada. My partner Andre, a dharma teacher in the Plum Village Buddhist tradition, and I live and work together on the unceded, unsurrendered territories of the Algonquin Anishnaabe peoples on the Kitchisippee (Ottawa) River in the northern boreal forest.
In the professional world, I am in private practice as a clinical health psychologist, mindful self-compassion teacher, and Somatic Experiencing practitioner. I have diverse life experiences in academia, healthcare and entrepreneurship, through which the running theme has been nature as a friend, guide, source of wisdom, creativity, renewal, courage and healing.
One of my nature dharmas is a deep love for the water. I am a former liveaboard sailor, current backcountry canoeist, inveterate walker/hiker, and rower. I have a heart for protection of the 20% of the world’s freshwater that is within Canadian territories, and a special affinity for the element of water in all forms: ice, snow, intense rainstorms and in liquid form running or waving through ocean tides, wild rivers and still lakes on the Canadian Shield.
Deepening in eco-dharma, deep ecology, nature-based contemplative and devotional practice, and nature connection experiences are important to me as together with my ecosangha we listen to the living world and serve ecosattva vows. I look forward to exploring ways to build nature-based mindfulness, wild self-compassion, eco-dharma community, and embodied wisdom together with you in Awake in the Wild.